Criminal Justice Program Description & Learning Outcomes

Program Description

The Criminal Justice and Security Administration degree program is designed to fast track students into entry level position while they are still pursuing their associate degree and ultimately prepare them for employment in a wide variety of entry level positions in security related fields. These fields include both government and private sector. Students will be taught basic security concepts and practices and will understand the fundamental concepts involved in homeland security and terrorism, firearm safety and defensive tactics, electronic security and surveillance as well as the broad concepts of constitutional law and criminal law. Practical applications of various security service function will be taught.


Program Learning Outcomes

In addition to demonstrating competence in the college-wide general education outcomes of Taylor Business Institute, Criminal Justice and Security Administration students will, upon completion of the program, be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical aspects of crime, criminal justice and security.
a) Identify and discuss basic theories and concepts regarding the criminal justice system and it operation including law, policing, courts, and corrections.
b) Identify and discuss security and public safety concepts and operations.
c) Distinguish the perspectives of various disciplines as they contribute to the field of criminal justice including psychology, sociology, ethics and physiology.
2. Demonstrate the ability to apply principles and techniques of criminal justice to criminal justice practice.
a) Demonstrate analytical and practical skills in the investigation and resolution of crime and security situations.
b) Demonstrate oral and written skills in interviewing witnesses, victims, and suspects and in the composition of clear, concise, complete, and accurate reports.
c) Knowledge of proper handling of firearms
3. Demonstrate the personal qualities needed to be an effective practitioner in a criminal justice position or agency.
a) Demonstrate the ability to function as a member of a team in a global and multicultural society showing self-awareness and respect for the community and co-workers.
b) Display readiness for employment in an entry level criminal justice or security position.


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