Service Learning

Service Learning

Service learning at Taylor Business Institute is defined as a teaching method that enriches learning by empowering students through meaningful service that benefits the common good, expressing when and as possible the concerns of the communities from which Taylor Business Institute students come. It is an activity that is integrated into and influences the life-long learning of Taylor Business Institute’s students. All service learning activities have a reflection component and an articulated learning outcome.

The Local Community: Taylor Business Institute has a working collaboration with the local community via a variety of relationships. Taylor Business Institute sincerely believes that it is a part of the fabric of Chicago and must engage in ways that extend beyond its presence as a niche college. Faculty and staff are encouraged to be full participants in the life of their community.


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Friends of the Forest Preserve, a not-for-profit organization: In this curricular service learning, students remove invasive species while conducting environmental biology lab experiments.
Music’s Influence on Behavior: This activity partners Taylor Business Institute with the area high school communities.
Basic Security Training: TBI has partnered with ICN-Alfalah Academy to provide basic security training to its security volunteers.


The curricular service learning activities are tied to the course(s).  It is mandatory for students taking those courses to participate in the service learning activity, however, other students are also welcome to participate.


Summit of Hope (Illinois Department of Corrections)

Bone Marrow Donor Registry (Be The Match)

Annual Voter Registration

If interested to help the community at large, please sign up by completing the Service Learning Activity Sign-Up Form.  You may drop the completed form in the Education Office located on the third floor or email it to:  For assistance by phone, please contact the Director of Student Services at:

(312) 658-5100

Service Learning Activity Sign-Up Form


  • Check the service learning activity in which you are interested.
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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    I agree that TBI can contact me by phone, text, e-mail or facebook to provide me with info related to its programs of study. I understand that TBI may use an automated system to send me text messages.