Student Services

Female College Student Meeting With Campus Counselor Discussing Mental Health Issues

Student Services

At Taylor Business Institute, everything we do is centered around student success.

We have academic advisors to help you determine the best path for you to graduate on time. We have librarians, faculty and tutors to provide extra assistance with any course or subject. And we have career counseling support to help you translate your TBI education into a fulfilling and successful career.

Taylor Business Institute’s dedication to promoting students’ personal and professional success is reflected in the wide array of traditional and innovative student services available through the college.

TBI Education Department Contact Info

29 E Madison St, Lower Level,

Chicago, IL 60602


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

At Taylor Business Institute, all new students seeking admission to all of its programs must go through an admission process and placement testing in order to be admitted. New students’ eligibility to be admitted to the program of their choice is determined by the admissions committee.

Students new to Taylor Business Institute begin their educational experience with a student orientation where they are introduced to faculty and staff and provided an overview of the college’s programs, expectations, policies, and procedures. Students also explore and discuss attitudes associated with getting the most out of their educational experience.

Articulating the institution’s philosophy of academic advising begins with understanding the students who enroll in TBI. To ensure student success, each student receives regular individualized oversight from the academic advisors, the program chairs, and the faculty. Students are provided individualized assistance to sharpen their skills in oral and written communication, math and their area of degree concentration. Students are also advised to enroll in Skills Enrichment Labs specific to their program to enhance skills in areas, such as medical billing and coding, word processing and math, communication and job readiness skills.

Service learning at Taylor Business Institute is defined as a teaching method that enriches learning by empowering students through meaningful service that benefits the common good, expressing when and as possible the concerns of the communities from which Taylor Business Institute students come.  It is an activity that is integrated into and influences the life-long learning of Taylor Business Institute’s students.  All service learning activities have a reflection component and an articulated learning outcome.

Additional Student Services

At Taylor Business Institute, everything we do is centered around student success.


The bookstore carries all required textbooks, course packs, and classroom instructional materials that students may need. Students can rent their books from the bookstore after receiving the book rental voucher from the Financial Aid department. Students may also purchase books from publishers online..

Rental Book Program
In an effort to reduce book costs, students attending Taylor Business Institute may rent their books each quarter. Students electing to use the rental program will be responsible for returning all books at the end of each quarter in order to receive books for the next quarter. Failure to do so may result in additional charges applied to the student’s account. Students who choose not to use the rental program and wish to purchase their own books should request a copy of the book list from the office of the Dean of Academic Affairs or the Bookstore Manager.

This policy does not apply to students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Text for this program may be purchased online or acquired through other sources.


The Library has program-specific volumes, general education books, reference materials, fiction and non-fiction volumes, and current periodicals that support student learning in all programs. Many other resources are available from the Library in electronic formats. Library services include reference and research materials, reserved readings, electronic database searches, online support programs, library orientation, and instruction in the use of resources, materials, and Internet access. Taylor Business Institute also participates in inter-library loans through Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) consortium.

Career Services

Career services are available to assist current students and graduates in preparing for effective job searches. This service has been incorporated into the capstone Integrative Seminar courses. Other job search activities include providing employment leads, resume posting, interview preparation, job search assistance, and resume writing workshops. In addition, the career services director follows up with employers on their satisfaction with the TBI graduate and conducts periodic on-site employer lunches. The Career Services Director also conducts satisfaction surveys on graduates and coordinates Taylor Business Institute’s alumni efforts.

Career Preparation
Taylor Business Institute recognizes that employment preparation and career advising are integral to its professional skills programs and integrates these services into its training delivery system from the moment its students enroll. Career counseling and placement assistance are available to TBI students and graduates through a variety of interactive and innovative programs. Students participate in an employment preparation course and other activities designed to smooth the transition from education to employment.

Career services also include:

• Career counseling
• On-campus recruitment through job fairs
• Mock interviews
• Resume building
• Internet service utilizing state-of-the-art equipment with direct contact through job search engines

For information regarding career services and hours of operation, please visit the career services page on our website:

Financial Literacy

The Financial Literacy seminar assists students in making smart financial decisions while in college. As part of its community outreach and civic engagement initiatives, Taylor Business Institute has developed a quarterly seminar program. These seminars provide awareness and answer the unanswered questions. Seminars are provided on campus to create awareness among students on responsible borrowing.


Mentoring at TBI is a school wide initiative. Mentoring supports and inspires TBI students by way of individual meetings, group activities, and field trips and helps them to stay motivated and committed. The College’s goal is to achieve better retention results because of this mentoring program.

Constitution Day and Voter Registration

At TBI the constitution day is observed on September 17th. Each year, the financial aid office offers a workshop that provides students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to reflect on the U.S. government, its liberties, and its obligations. In election years Illinois Voter Registration Application Forms are distributed to help Illinois residents to register. The voter registration information is also available on the TBI website.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Seminars

Drug and alcohol awareness seminars are offered twice-a-year. All students, faculty, and staff are notified through these seminars that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances (drug and alcohol) is prohibited in the institution.

Transfer Credits

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions
New students who wish to transfer credit from other institutions must provide the Registrar with an official transcript showing grades of C or better in all courses level 101 and above for which transfer credit is requested. For full consideration, transfer requests, including official transcripts from all institutions previously attended must be received by the Registrar prior to the first day of scheduled classes during the student’s first term of enrollment. Students must make all arrangements to have official transcripts mailed to the Registrar to meet this deadline. Hand-carried or “Issued to Student” transcripts will not be accepted.

Taylor Business Institute will accept in transfer only those courses that are determined to be similar in scope and credit to a course within the student’s declared program of study. Although acceptance of transfer credit is at the sole discretion of the Registrar, TBI will generally accept in transfer general education course credits that the student has earned in Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) approved courses* with a name and course description comparable to one offered within the student’s program at TBI. Non-IAI general education courses will be evaluated individually to determine their similarity to a course within the student’s prescribed program of study.

Except in extraordinary circumstances, the college will not accept more than two-quarters of outside credit toward the major core of a degree program.

Tuition is prorated for students who enroll in less than a full program. Students are advised to consult with the Director of Financial Aid to review the effect of transfer credits on financial aid eligibility.

TBI will always give consideration to transfer credits from other ACICS institutions or institutions accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Transferring Taylor Business Institute’s Credits to Other Institutions
Taylor Business Institute’s credits are not universally transferrable. Receiving institutions reserve the right to accept or deny another school’s credits. These institutions may deny credits for a variety of reasons to include differences between the school’s accrediting agencies, differences between curriculum content or insufficient credit hours to transfer. Therefore, students seeking to transfer credits from Taylor Business Institute to other colleges and universities should contact the admissions department(s) at those schools to determine if they will accept Taylor Business Institute’s credits.

The Criminal Justice and Security Administration Degree Program Credits
The Criminal Justice and Security Administration program is designed to prepare its graduates for career opportunities in the ever-expanding field of Criminal Justice and Security Administration. The Criminal Justice and Security Administration program is not designed to train individuals to be police officers. Credits from this program are not transferable to the Chicago Police Department. Students interested in becoming police personnel should inquire within the police jurisdiction in which they would like to practice to determine if Taylor Business Institute’s credits are accepted.

Articulation Relationships:
Articulation relationships are formal agreements with and between colleges and/or universities to accept credits earned. While other colleges may accept Taylor Business Institute’s credits on a case by case basis the College has four formal articulation agreements with the following colleges or universities:

DeVry University
East-West University
National-Louis University
University of Phoenix

Evidence of articulation agreements are on file within the institution and are available for review in the office of the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Please complete the Academic Advising Form to request a review of your transcript for transfer credits. You may also contact the Office of the Registrar located on the third floor in the Education Office.

STARS (Online Learning Management System)

TBI uses stars as an online learning management system for all courses and programs. It is designed to support student learning and teaching by allowing course management, reporting, and efficient communication among students, faculty, and staff.

All the new students are registered to STARS during the new student orientation and registration process. The students who miss the orientation and registration can request their STARS account to be created by completing the Registration Form and emailing it to

Student Email

Taylor Business Institute provides its students with email addresses for secure and confidential information transfer. These email addresses are created on the day of orientation. Please contact the I.T department if you are having trouble using it.

Student Software

Your student status at Taylor Business Institute also brings you the added advantage of using Microsoft software on your personal devices. This provides easy access to your documents where ever you are and helps you finish your class assignments in a better way. This access expires once your student status with Taylor Business Institute is terminated.

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